Kazz played at the Lambooijhuis October 11 with a surprising set.
Curious, Kazz did NOT play anything from Kazzmology, as was expected (being his latest release).
He played 3 sets, improvising on themes from his latest releases, including 2 longer new compositions, which were recorded, eventually for future release . He also played Dance Of A Thousand Smiles, originally composed for the now delayed project InnaVision, which was world’s away from the version he performed it last year with Morra. This was a very moving Xperience, with Kazz doing the vocals as only he can do well (he ain’t Peter Hammill but at times he gets close).
Next, sadly the German dates have been cancelled. Just simply because the driving costs were not guaranteed. Sad but true. But Kazz is on negotiasions to make it happen next summer. Quote: Love to see at the gardens.
The Lambooij huis gig was recorded and with new additional studio recordings this will lead to a new Kazz release. As a working title FLOWJOB has been heard. But more on that later.
At this very moment, Kazz is busy finalizing a remastered version of his 2004 4CD boxed set Monologue Interieure, which he hopes will coincide with its 10th Anniversary. We can confirm there will be an extra CD including some unreleased material. More details on that later.
And ofcourse, this will be all for free. As it should be.